University of Oklahoma officials say they’re taking action after two blackface incidents near campus in less than a week. But it’s unclear whether they…
The University of Oklahoma takes on Clemson University in the Orange Bowl Thursday evening. The rematch of the 2014 Russell Athletic Bowl is the first of…
The fraternity connected to a racist video that roiled the University of Oklahoma campus during spring has announced the hiring of a new director of…
Former Oklahoma state senator Jabar Shumate will join the OU faculty in June. He shares his plan for increasing diversity.
University of Oklahoma President David Boren has named former state Senator and Representative Jabar Shumate as OU's Vice President for the University, a…
Updated 5:06 p.m.: SAE reaction to University of Oklahoma investigationThe SAE national office confirmed in a webpost that the fraternity's former OU…
One of the two Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity members who was expelled from the University of Oklahoma for participating in a racist chant apologized on…
A former University of Oklahoma student seen participating in a racist chant in a video made aboard a fraternity party bus is scheduled to speak at an…
The executive director of Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s national office announced plans Wednesday morning to combat racism and insensitivity within the fraternity…
In the days after a racially charged video circulated on social media and gained national attention, minority students at the University of Oklahoma spoke…